Social Media Priority Guidelines

Updated April 2024

Show Me Shorts Film Festival is a charitable trust with the aim to: connect New Zealand audiences with short films and share New Zealand short films with the world. The Festival sets an annual Marketing Plan that uses the tools of marketing to help progress that kaupapa, in line with a three-year strategic plan. Show Me Shorts’ social media platforms are one of the key marketing tools used to deliver the aims of the Marketing Plan.

The Festival team receives a high volume of requests from arts industry organisations and filmmakers wishing to utilize the Show Me Shorts marketing channels to promote their work. Unfortunately in most cases the content does not fit within the carefully crafted branding, and busy media schedule that has been planned out.

Here’s how the Marketing Manager decides how suggested posts from external sources may be accepted or declined, and the parameters under which some content from an external organisation may be shared through Show Me Shorts networks:

  1. Top priority is highlighting the work of Show Me Shorts, selling tickets to events and building awareness of the Festival’s activities.

  2. Second priority is fulfilling contractual obligations with valued sponsors, funders and partners that support the work of Show Me Shorts.

  3. Third priority is supporting the screen industry, with particular emphasis on professional development for aspiring short film makers. This may be by providing filmmakers with content that will upskill their craft, or sharing information about funding and screening opportunities for example.

  4. Supporting and celebrating the careers of Alumni filmmakers is a fourth priority. Promoting the finished work of filmmakers who have previously had work screened or developed at Show Me Shorts will be considered if it is a feature film or a television episode of career-defining scale.

 Here are the things unlikely to be shared by Show Me Shorts:

  1. Crowd funding campaigns, or projects in the pre-production or production phases.

  2. Promotions for filmmakers who do not have a previous connection to Show Me Shorts.

The strong following of the Show Me Shorts social media networks have been built up over two decades and are in high demand. Decisions about external post inclusions are made on a case-by-case basis and should not be taken personally.

If you have some content you would like Show Me Shorts to consider sharing, contact: Jack Nicol, Marketing Manager -

Nick Ippolito

CEO & Co-Founder at SquareKicker
No-Code Design and Animation Extension for Squarespace Websites

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