Filmmaker resources

Expert tips for filmmakers.

In this collection of articles you will find advice and tips on some of the more common hurdles that are part of the short film making process. Whether you are just starting out or looking to hone a particular part of your craft, we can give you some useful ideas and tools.

You can also find a list of international short film festivals here if you’re looking for more places to submit your film.

Filmmaker resources Nick Ippolito Filmmaker resources Nick Ippolito

Ten Tips For Short Film Makers

Show Me Shorts is always looking for ways to support the talented short film makers that make our festival possible every year. So we’re going to be sharing some resources over the next few months to (we hope!) encourage developing filmmakers. We’re kicking off with a set of rapid-fire top ten tips to help aspiring short film makers avoid the more common pitfalls and improve both their film and filmmaking experience.

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Filmmaker resources Nick Ippolito Filmmaker resources Nick Ippolito

Connect With Your Short Film Community

Developing a network of mentors, colleagues and organisations is a great way to get your short film off the ground, improve your skills, and find the resources you need to make your idea a reality. In this article, we provide links to many great organisations and resources that are active in the New Zealand short film community.

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Filmmaker resources Nick Ippolito Filmmaker resources Nick Ippolito

Nail Your Short Film Script

Writing a great short film script can be daunting challenge for new and established filmmakers alike. In this article, Gina discusses how to go from idea to the first page of your screenplay, how to format it, some practical writing techniques, and where/how to get more feedback.

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Filmmaker resources Nick Ippolito Filmmaker resources Nick Ippolito

Making Magic In Production

Lights, camera, action! In this article, Gina gives some insight on how to organise your crew to get the most out of your time in production. Knowing what to expect from each department and having everything you need on the day helps to ensure your shoot is both successful and enjoyable.

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